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toribash database(flash project)
i had this idea today.. and started working on it.. it still needs allot of work and thing to do but i think it will be pretty awesome :P
the idea is like this.. its like a databaseor whatever lol where poeple can see others poeple's replay's and information :P
here is a rough sketch:
i forgot to put a frame after bashers.. where you can choose poeple's name xD so only mine will show up :P pressing decap wil show a replay of mine recorded with fraps(badly xD) above is my name and belt color.. some idea's would be great :P.. ooh and dont mind the music lol i searched for loop on newgrounds and downloaded the first one i saw :P
ooh and the big picture of uke.. or who ever he is.. will be your toribash char.. just make a nice screenshot of a cool pose.. without a other person in it.. and i put that on the page to.. it still isnt done. but if you poeple like it il make a seperate thread for it :P
please tell me what you think
Very nice. But there is a back button missing to the character selection. Maybe enter a search function too.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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lol like i said :P its just a rough sketch, and actually showing i can make it xD but should i continue this? will poeple use it etc?
would really apreciate some feedback :P so i can go further with it... or not :P so watch my thread and leave a message behind xD
Last edited by ianhey; Mar 1, 2008 at 09:26 PM.
I think it has a great future for such a rough sketch, could you put my name up there as well? I'll pay 20 TC every month it's on!
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-Mohandas Gandhi