Original Post
[Tutorial - Pics] Snap Kick
I just saw Shinobiboy post a 17k kick tutorial, and it reminded me of a kick i made up xD.

So heres the tutorial.

Engage Distance: 200
Dismemberant Threshhold: 100
Dismemberant - 1
Turn Frames - 10
Match Frames - 100

Step 1:

Hold All
Extend Right Glute
Extend Right Hip
Contract Right Knee
Extend Right Foot
Contract Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Contract Right Pec
Contract Right Elbow
Left Rotate Chest
Extend Left Pec

Hit Space 3 Times (30 Frames)

Step 2:

Contract Right Hip

Hit Space 1nce (10 Frames)

Step 3:

Extend Right Knee
Contract Right Foot
Right Rotate Chest

Hit Space 1nce (10 Frames)

Step 4:

Extend Right Hip
Contract Right Knee

Hit Space 5 Times (50 Frames)

Your Done!

20k Kick.
Board rules and stickies, please. I appriciate the effort you've gone to to make this, but it doesn't belong here.

Moved to The Game.
Last edited by 3vi1; Mar 3, 2008 at 03:19 AM.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."