Original Post
[Tex](WIP) MC Frontalot
Just finished my first draft of the head. I am quite excited by the way it turned out. I am wondering what I could improve or add to the head. Any constructive criticism would be nice. It is based off of MC Frontalot's music video "First World Problem". The part at 1.43. It is on youtube if you want to view it.

my opinion.. thats F**ked in the head... its mout is scary. is it ment to be like that??
if it isn't then dont put mouth in such a big grin and. the nose need to be fixed

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Yes, the mouth is supposed that big. Also, I know about the nose needing to be fixed. This was a rough draft. I was looking for constructive criticism and how to fix things that were wrong.
Originally Posted by MasterZoik View Post
my opinion.. thats F**ked in the head... its mout is scary. is it ment to be like that??
if it isn't then dont put mouth in such a big grin and. the nose need to be fixed


So every head is supposed to look totally normal without any facial expression or anything unusual?

This is a great head, because its something different, and it shows a level of expression that I rarely see around here.

Most beginner texturers just poop out heads that looks exactly the same as the previous one. Pentooled hair and black eyes + maybe some earphones. People that do that will rarely develope into anything great.

Keep on texturing, because I'm pretty sure you will do great in the long run.

I won't rate this because rating is cancer, you can't rate art accurately, especially not by a 1/10 scale.

In my opinion you can call this head finished and move on to the next one.
Last edited by Ezeth; Apr 2, 2011 at 07:20 PM.
I appreciate your comment. I might do a bit more shading on the teeth but I am pretty happy with it.
Edit: I would like to do a whole set for this head, however I am not sure what to do. Any ideas?
Last edited by X03rL; Apr 2, 2011 at 09:19 PM.