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[Solved]Two part question
I have a strange problem and a legitimate question about multiplayer. but First, the more presing matter is Freeplay.

I recently tried freeplay with an assassins creed mod applied. I was just goofing around with the various mods and though that funny, what with the various ways to stylishly fall and murder the guy at the bottom. But apparently that screwed everythign up and now I cannot return My guy to default standing height. He always appears high up where the tower would be. I've fiddled with the engage height, engage distance, I have no clue what else to do. It's quite frustrating.

Next is multiplayer. I know how to create a room and join multiplayer rooms easily. It's basic stuff. however, I'd like to apply a mod I have, like dual pistols, to my room. Is this at all possible and if so, how do I go about doing it?
I don't know what the first problem is, but for multiplayer setting mods its pretty easy, just open create your server then, hit esc to bring up the menu, then click setup, then mods, then click the one you want (once) then hit load.

can't help you with the other question though srry.
Esc -> Setup -> Game Rules -> Engageplayerpos -> Erase all numbers
Click enter and type
/set engageplayerpos 0
I think those should work.
what am i doing here