Original Post
Problem connecting to public rooms in multiplayer
When I try to connect to any public room in Multiplayer, it says I'm connected in the script, but across the screen it says not connected, click to select player. Help?
Last edited by TaichoKun; Apr 8, 2011 at 08:18 AM.
this happens to me every time i open toribash dont worry about it just get the room name and type /jo nameofroom it will say not connected first time but secound it will connect it usally happen to me

1) Is your internet connection working properly?
2) Is your firewall blocking you access to multiplayer?
3) Are there certain restrictions on the server you may not have noticed before? (I.E. QI.)
4) Try re-joning the server. 3-4 times does the trick.
have you tried uninstalling and dowloading it again....or it may be a problem with your internet connection
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~