Original Post
judo fracture
The dq doesn't work very often when there are many fractures...
and that sux.
I my opponent hits the ground with his head but does not lose and throws me to earth and i dq.. that happend several times and it is pissing me off >_>
...and will posting this in Support help? I think not.

This happens because of lag, nothing else. You'll have to put up with it. Also, according to the ingame rules, if a player touches the ground but doesn't DQ, he is to relax all. If he doesn't relax all, report him.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
I post it here because I can read :P and try to help to make toribash a better game
Support (1 Viewing)
- questions, trouble shooting & bug reporting

And to report people all the time is a bit annoying <.<
someone should just fix that
The fracturing probably uses collision limit in some strange ways (you cannot get disqualified if collision limit is met. Aka : many things grinding against many things, think of an orgy. Of balls and rectangles.) So, other than somehow priorising collision with ground, it cannot be fixed. Because if collision limit is lifted / made bigger, the game will be laaaggy.
What what? In the butt.