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Relaxed Momentum Kicking... and headbutt face sniping... 4.0
the best two of my last 20 or so.

Switchfoot - clean, very relaxed decap kick that requires no force on the knee, hip or lumbar. Edit at 450 and space it through the decap to see how this works.

Deep Breathing
- First, a few hypnotic chest expanding deep breaths. Then rip off arms and head. Then headbutt Uke's head into his falling body. You know, the usual.

Comments and criticism are welcome. Thank you for watching.
Attached Files
{mMm}_deep breathing .rpl (60.3 KB, 20 views)
Thank you very much, Fyerrblad. and I agree (I am starting to think you and I have similar taste in replays). I posted those because they are so different from each other. The second one really isn't my style, but I think it's fun to watch.

In that same duplicitous vein, two more:
Fancy Footwork - Uke is so wily and prone to dodging. If you want to get a good headkick decap in you really have to juke and jive so he doesn't block ;).

Monkey Business - If you don't watch this one twice, I'll be surprised. I still have to @@.
Attached Files
{mMm}_fancy footwork.rpl (88.0 KB, 13 views)
{mMm}_monkey business.rpl (94.1 KB, 15 views)
good stuff! nearly great, but misses by a hair's width or two.

the two latter ones weren't as special as you implied, but don't take me wrong, they were very good.

the very first one was the best in my opinion
I refuse to grab.
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