Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Solved]Make people get attracted on your sales?
Since i'm selling my first 2 created head textures nobody buys it and i only get less views. Any suggestions?
Advertise it. Make it attractive. It also comes with rep. If people know you are a god artist, they will view it more and get more excited about it. It's like having a brand name. If you are known and your art is coveted that alone increases interest and price.
Maybe make the thread more attractive, makes things bold, center them, give them pretty colors. Etc. The set looks ok, not quite worth 5k though.
Do things like put your textures on ingame and tell people its for sale, but before you even get that far post a WIP in the arts forum, people can give you constructive critisism on your art work and help make sure that your art is exactly what people would like. Also if you make an auction for it and make the first bid low, put the low price in the title, people loves sweet deals even if the tex isnt that great (not implying anything). So therefore you will get more views. Thats all i can think of
Made by Fenris
1) Advertise it. No one will know about your shop if you don't.
2) Set your art at low prices. Low enough so you can have satisfied customers, and profit for your work.
3) Put time and work into your shop.
4) Offer promotional offers with purchases. This will lead to better sales.
5) It doesn't work that much, but you can always try to sell your art in-game.