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How do you focus on the task at hand?
I present a simple question: How do you focus on a task at hand effectively? I used to be able to work hours on homework without breaks, but now my grade is suffering due to my lack of ability to stay focused for a long period of time. Is it a process of puberty? Am I simply becoming lazy? Any advice would be appreciated, but I want to know why this may be.
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
You are discovering that life ain't all about studying :P

I stop myself from being distracted using sheer will power. Doesn't work that well though, but it doesn't matter since I don't need to study much right now...

Studying with friends is a great way to do it because then you can discuss the topic and all that.
I have ADHD, and I concentrate fine

But when I'm bored, I need my funtime.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Hm. Well any other suggestions? I'm really tring to stay focused. I just can't do it.
Thank you Gorman. I'll try that out
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Music really helps me focus when doing homework and working out, and other stuff. It usually either makes you really pumped up enough to do the task, or relaxed enough to focus. Depending on what you listen to.
I usually focus doing my homework by working in a quiet room, or listening to epic music.
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