Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Popular colours
Hey just a random question concering marketing, i wondering what colour items are in high demand. By colour i mean orc, gladiator, static etc. just 5-10 of them would be very helpful thanks.
Made by Fenris
Hunter and Static aren't demanded,
those colours are one of the hardest to sell [ unless they're being sold very cheap].

Azurite, Demo ,Acid, Demon, ivory, pharos.........
I have found that Acid, Vampire, Hunter, Marine and Orc always seem to be in demand. It is because of the fact that they are not all that rare. For the most part there prices are lower then some of the other colours available. The majority of people try to buy bold or dark colours that resemble high qi items like Void or Demon. For the most part people who are around 1st dan to 8th dan wear the colours listed above.
Ok thanks for the info, what about stuff like marine and aqua?? For newbies
Made by Fenris
Demon is not that good for begginners since you have to have 20000 QI
And i would say Acid Vamp Orc Marine QS maybe if they have the tc and gaia