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[Help]i cant send items or TC's
when i tried to send for my friend TC's or items it's show that I'm in greylist or something like that... please help me what to do.
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Originally Posted by Matt76 View Post
when i tried to send for my friend TC's or items it's show that I'm in greylist or something like that... please help me what to do.

Greylist? Please explain yourself more.

Maybe you are not allowed to send items/Tc.
Originally Posted by Matt76 View Post
when i tried to send for my friend TC's or items it's show that I'm in greylist or something like that... please help me what to do.

This happened to me after I bought a DQ sound for $5 on paypal, most likely some sort of glitch. head into #Support and they should fix things right up.
what am i doing here
<Support-Bot> There is a new user list called the 'greylist' that stops users from trading, users appear to be being added based on unknown automated criterion, and they are informed "Your account is in trading greylist. To verify it please contact [email protected]", in this case please send an email to [email protected] enquiring what to do, and wait patiently, it may be some time before we know what to do.

As said in support,
Email [email protected] about this problem and wait patiently until proper action is taken.
what am i doing here