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[Solved]error with shadow behind the dummy
I've got strange problem. Look at this pics:

Shadow behind the dummy is invisible or partly invisible (reflection on floor looks good)...reinstal game didn't fix an error. It's happens only on multiplayer... in single works good... Please help me...
Try the following:

A) Find out what graphics card your computer has ( This thread can help you do this )
B) Make sure your drivers are up to date, as described in the linked thread.
C) If you have an Intel or AMD/ATI Graphics card you can use /opt chatcache 1 to improve performance temporarily, the thread explains how to make it permanent in section E.
I'd recommend making chatcache 1 permanent anyway as it will improve performance on ATI cards, basically the way Toribash works with ATI cards isn't particularly elegant, and you end up using twice the VRAM that the game needs, /opt chatcache <1..5> makes it use the normal memory amount.

I'm not sure exactly how to fix this problem, you could try updating visual C++ as described in the thread, as that only effects multiplayer, and you said the problem is only in multiplayer.
Maybe /opt ghostcache 1

/me shrugs

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Thanks @ßBloob i turned of shaders and it works!
But game looks ugly now... doesn't matter.. thanks