Original Post
beginner moves
for newcomers i made this thread because i want to tell you some simple moves.

the kick (also an wiki moce):hold all,extend left hip and ankle,contract right hip and press p.

the punch:hold all,extend left pec and elbow space x2,right rotate chest,contract left pecs space X1,extend elbow and wrist press p after that.

head smash:hold all,raise both shoulders,contract both pecs space X2,lower both shoulders,contract hips and press p.

tipsress b to see both ghostes
/em is ONLY for when batteling.
put /sh to talk while waiting for turn to talk out in the arena.
/qu is to quit
/sp is to join spectators
/en is to exit spectators
1,2,3,4,and 5 on your keybored is camera controlls
1 is to go back to default camera
2 is free camera
3 is tori camera
4 is uke camera
5 is to play camera movements.
i ment tips: press b to see both ghosts
Last edited by funnelcake; Jun 4, 2011 at 03:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Iam sure some one did this tutor before but idont remember who
good job anyway may help other players.
Don't post moves here, and the rest is already covered in other tutorials.. Closed.

Please read the rules before posting or starting threads in the future.