Original Post
3.9.1 menus are not readable
Hey all been a while, for some reason Toribash 3.9 lagged horribly on my rig. I see 3.9.1 runs great again, but for some reason I cannot read any of the menus its all scrambled.
It looks like a chinese game when one is missing the language pack, any one heard of this before? Any fixes?

Oh graphics card is ati 1950 gt, which may be a little old for TB? Game runs smoothly though, to my knowledge I have the latest driver.
Last edited by Entropyza; Jun 5, 2011 at 09:41 PM.
The usual solution to this is updating your drivers.

You should check out this thread:

I believe section B can help you update your drivers.

If this fails to work just check back here.
driver version appears to be
I believe I have the latest version ATI offers, perhaps my card is simply to old for TB which would be most sad.
Please state the card you own, also if it's ATI we can try other things to help.
If you don't know the card you own try section A.
ati radeon x1950 gt (250mb)
memory 2gig
AMD x2 dual core 5200 +

Its an old rig but it still plays most modern games. Thanks in advance for all your help
You'll need to do a few things, here they are in the order you should try them:

First download the latest drivers for your card by putting in your system information here:
(Latest driver version is 10.2 iirc)
This should fix the menu error, but you will probably still have problems and lag, so keep reading.

While you can use shaders technically you probably don't have the VRAM for it, so I'd keep shaders off. We can get you some extra speed by freeing up some of your VRam, Toribash interfaces badly with ATI and some other cards, but it has an inblut command to fix this problem; '/opt chatcache 1'.
Thus; secondly you should read that thread ( ) (Section E) for how to make Toribash start up with chatcache set to 1, this will halve the memory usage of Toribash which will improve stability and speed.

Lastly you probably have an older operating system, windows XP maybe, so you should make sure Visual C++ is up to date, you can find that at the end of the thread as well.
I do have the 10-2_legacy_vista32-64 driver pack and unfortunately the menus are still not readable. I am using windows 7 by the way.
I did update my visual c also.
Thanks for your continued efforts,,,
Last edited by Entropyza; Jun 9, 2011 at 08:42 PM.
If you haven't tried the chatcache fix yet try that, also try setting your driver settings to 'quality' rather than performance, you can change it's settings in the 'CCC' or Catalyst Control Panel, which should have installed with those drivers.
just update youre graficcard

Vox Moderated Message:
I would have deleted this but it's so dumb it's adorable.
Last edited by Vox; Jun 12, 2011 at 05:16 PM.
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