Original Post
Hey, look, another replay thread.
I'm fairly new to the game (none of these replays are older than about a month), and I still haven't tried to get into the multiplayer aspect, since dicking around in SP is plenty entertaining.

One of the replays has fairly negligable Uke movement at the very start, but the rest are done straight, at either 100/100 or 190/100 Distance/DM.

I tried to keep them from being too "Symmetrical = Boring", but at the moment, I'm not at a place where I can be madman-style flailing around with all joints relaxed.

Still, the majority of them are at least moderately interesting, and I'd appreciate some help with the Ninja Deconstruction one, in particular. If anybody can figure out a way to get back there to DM his last leg with the 50 frames remaining, I'd be interested to see it.

Enjoy, (I hope.)
Attached Files
~Handstand Piledriver.rpl (65.0 KB, 25 views)
~Mount DecapDM Final.rpl (98.4 KB, 21 views)
~Ninja Deconstruction.rpl (90.0 KB, 22 views)
~Systematic.rpl (63.2 KB, 17 views)
~Trisect Decap Landing.rpl (79.3 KB, 18 views)
~Crunch Time.rpl (54.5 KB, 17 views)
its kinda sad how noone cares to comment, i saw ninja deconstruction, it was ok great for a "junior" it was a bit slow but went together well, you have a long ways to go but got a quick nice start
Thanks for the feedback, guys.

I'm beginning to realize that probably my favorite part about the replays isn't even really the moves themselves, but doing whatever sort of breakdancing-y things come naturally afterward.

Just finished this one, and though it took a bit of fiddling to get that punch to land where I wanted it to, I think I'm happier still with the one-handed landing after time runs out. And I think I might have even managed to avoid any DQ-style touching of the ground (though my head does come oh so close right near the end. It's a bit too close for me to tell, to be honest.)

A damn shame about that marring 629 damage that I took from a stray head, but what's a man to do?
Attached Files
~Gigaton Punch Final.rpl (95.4 KB, 22 views)
Last edited by Zeitgeist_old; Mar 31, 2008 at 03:10 AM.
this punch is pretty nice, perhpas you should work a liddle at this replay, think you could let it end a bit earliear and work for a better ballance when you hit the ground with both of your legs.
It has to start somewhere. It has to start somehow. What better place than here. What better time than now

wah-wah chicka wah-wah chicka-chicka-chicka
I liked that one, seemed like you cut through his body.
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
Originally Posted by Zeitgeist View Post
If anybody can figure out a way to get back there to DM his last leg with the 50 frames remaining, I'd be interested to see it.

It was tricky =)

2 frames left
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Hahaha, awesome. I'm definitely FAR too amused by the increase in speed after you took over.

I was going about it all wrong, it seems, and I probably should have realized it earlier. (I was trying to get a KICK dm on the hip joint, mostly for the sake of Uke torso symmetry. In hindsight, with that positioning, there was no way in hell I was going to get it.)

Well, knowing that it's possible takes a bit of a load off my brain, so thanks. Definitely a nice reminder of how much I still have to learn.
Gigaton punch looked nice, and the document called Zeitgeist was pure awesomeness.
Last edited by 4ndie; Mar 31, 2008 at 09:03 PM.