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[Vid]My first toribash video(C&C PLS)
Here is my first ever toribash video, made in Vegas Pro(Sony Vegas or whatever), i didnt use any freecams, cause i dont know how to use it. If u guys know any good tuts, post them here. If u have any tips and stuff about making videos look good generally, i would appreciate it. Also, what should i improve in this video?

if u cant see it.

C&C please
Last edited by xPPP; Jun 10, 2011 at 09:13 PM.
~Essence~ of Toribash

Here's the fixed version.

As for CnC:
I didn't like how you split the replays (part of the headpass, then another replay, then the other part).
And why was the title ha'fway through the video?
Other than that, I liked it.
The replay were decent/good, and the camerawork was good for someone's first vid (but still could use some work).
Last edited by supahninja; Jun 10, 2011 at 08:56 PM.
Very short. The replays are default, we've seen then numerous times.

The transitions were meh, they could be better since you are using Sony Vegas.

Freecam tut:
Yeah ok, i am new to sony vegas so that was just experimenting... ty for the freecam tut! xD will do some more videos(and follow your advice)when i find some free time...

Also, how do i sync the video? xD(or whatever that is called)
~Essence~ of Toribash
Originally Posted by xPPP View Post
Yeah ok, i am new to sony vegas so that was just experimenting... ty for the freecam tut! xD will do some more videos(and follow your advice)when i find some free time...

Also, how do i sync the video? xD(or whatever that is called)

Sync is getting the music or actions to fit in with each other. So like if there is a big part in a song (like a heavy bass drop or something of that sort) then you want to shake the camera or make something to fit in with the music.

There was a watermark, which I didn't like, and there also were no shaders. The transitions were as bad as iMovie, and come on man, you had SVP, you could have made way better transitions. Your title was half-way through the video, and I know what you were trying to do, but it REALLY didn't work. You used the replays that come with toribash, which was kind of odd, when you really could have just made a thread in the design events board and had people give you replays. Music was off for the video too.

xPPP, want a tip? try to use the BezCam while capturing replays, try to use a lot of the slow and fast feature Sony Vegas has (to make a more professional air), and for transitions, try to make them as simple you can.


Oh, i was watching SlyCooper tutorial, and well.... is hell better then BezCam. Try looking at the tuto he sent here. It's a awesome way to record, and way easier then a BezCam.

Good luck on making vids!
Proud member of [Essence]
Yes, i did look at that tut, and in the new video i am making, i am using that. ;) Its really much easier than the BezCam(i couldnt understand what to do in it) xDDDD
~Essence~ of Toribash