Original Post
[Scam]Duel spec

We were dueling 10k.
So rick said he was going to spec and he did.
But he speced after the match started
We both lost 10k by his fault and he randomly left after that.

Is there a way I can get my tc back?
"no sir i did not scam that player"
Duel Reports

As of now, the Market Squad will no longer support duel reports.
As duels 1.) are not Market-related and 2.) do not result in actual loss of anything to the individual, we've decided (with Nabi's approval) to stop supporting them. Furthermore, in the vast majority of cases the offending party does not have the credits to pay for the duel, which overall wastes our time (as we may not refund credits which did not exist in the fist place).
From this point forward, duels are strictly a player-to-player agreement.

*By offering PMs as evidence, you agree to let an administrator go in and look at the relevant messages.

hmm not sure if they support that anymore. If they still do double check me if im wrong.
I'm back :)
Sil; that's for unofficial duels. Apparently, this is an official one. (Duel mode is on)

However, I'm still unsure if they support this or not.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
Hang on, we will get back to you with a final verdict shortly.


Story checks out, and stuff.

10k from rickyz to iRookie

rickyz gets a one day ban.
Last edited by Bloob; Jun 18, 2011 at 07:42 AM.
Alright, taken care of etc. He got a one day ban, and you'll be getting your 10k back as soon as a tsa comes online.

does rickyz also get tc back?

and this looks like a mistake to me, it isn't really a scam as it wasn't intentional nor' did he get any tc from this. It looks to me as if he wanted to not play aganst rookie so was going to spec but the match started as soon as he did. Seems unfair to me that he would get a ban for such a thing :P
It was an accident, I didn't even wanted to duel anymore.
So I typed in /sp before the game even started and I lagged a bit so when i type it waits a while to load or send.
My computer is slow. So it lags.
And the game somehow started after I typed /sp like a 30seconds ago and It spec'ed me.
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community