Original Post
[Solved]How do you edit replays?
Title says it all- how do you edit replays? I couldn't find any tutorials on it. If you could show me one or just explain it then i would be so grateful.
When you watching the reply you want to edit it u press P to pause and and E to edit it.
Last edited by Xs238; Jun 23, 2011 at 02:30 PM.
Death Plague
Two great tutorials on editing them with Notepad (replay hacking):
Also, feel free to PM me with any questions.

Of course, if you just meant editing in-game then go with what Xs238 said.
Last edited by supahninja; Jun 23, 2011 at 02:32 PM.
Originally Posted by Benraskull View Post
Is there a way to space through the frames one by one?

click/press Shift+spacebar
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Originally Posted by PanzerSoul View Post
Haven't tried it personally, but I heard you can also use shift + P

yes, shift+P can also skip one frame. that's what i always use because i dont even know that there is shift+space before.
~knight zero~