Original Post
[radio]Reruitment thread not flamming, trolling, spamming, or relating to this (if I give this warning to 5 times then I will kick from the clan)

2.I'm not going to kick you when you are not active, just post, why you do not active and how long you are not active

3.Do not be a closed people

4.(do not double clan,if other clan don’t allow you to doubleclan) does not mean this clan allow doubleclan, must consent to the leader / co-leader

5.enjoy this clan

1.should be a blue belt or higher

2.must at least have 50 post

3. fails to satisfy one of the above requirements, but have a particular talent, etc. it will be withdrawn at a member or trial member(some applicants must be tested)

Ban/infraction history:
Skills: (fighting,making replay,art,moddin/scripting,etc,if possible post the examples,that’ll be a plus if good)
Best mod:
Other: (if this part fill nicely,that’ll be a plus)
Replay: (any replay)

for complete information click here