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[Solved]Dq sound will not upload.
The error: "applicaton/octet-stream is not a valid filetype" is always returned.

I have tried multiple wavs, wav containers, wav sizes, and lengths, and the same error is always returned.
Bumping, now i get a different error with the same sound:

"application/force-download is not a valid filetype"

I'm convinced this is a shop problem now, could someone please address this?
Riff-wav worked for someone and the maximum time for upload is 5 seconds.

Free TC!

The uplaoder seems to be working (at least it worked earlier when echoforce tested it).

..No idea why yours isn't working, tho..
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
Originally Posted by Vulc View Post
Riff-wav worked for someone and the maximum time for upload is 5 seconds.

wav is 2 seconds.

As I have said, I've tried multiple wav containers, I have even tried using someone elses wav that I have taken from the toribash custom folder (that obviously works in game) and that doesn't upload either. Same error.