Original Post
Every Time...
Every time I put an item on the market, it disapears as soon as I save it's price to the market. I just put a Head Texture item into the market for 999,000 TC (just so I can have it the market) and it dissapeared right out of my invintory, and I didn't get 999,000 TC for selling it either.

Any help at all will help a lot. But what I would really like is my Head Texture item back. Like now please.

uh you have to go to ur market items u click the little box that says deactivated or something click it and market items should be there click it and then there are your items
ok yea go to ur deactivated and click the thingy that says Search and then a box that says inactive click dat then click market items
Last edited by Natejas; Jul 1, 2011 at 05:53 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
its there
if you want it back to your inventory,simply go to your shop<click market items>and remove from market
you will not get tc until someone buys it


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