Original Post
Will rage-quitters be punished?
With proper evidence (screenshot before and after leaving tourney), will their accounts be banned/stripped? I would like to know before I start gathering evidence on the countless players that do this, time after time. They need to learn to play the game properly or not play it at all.

Thank you.
I'm pretty sure that simple rage quitting isnt punished with bans. Maybe a stern talking to or kick with a gm ingame. People can be banned for rage quitting in duels (possibly repeating in tourneys), trolling, and ingame insulting
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How many times must they rage-quit from tourneys to be banned? It's getting seriously ridiculous, the amount of TC that players are not receiving. And it's only getting worse and worse. The people that do it only fuel others to do it. Soon tourneys will be nearly pointless, unless you are lucky enough to have a final with somebody of integrity. And there are rarely GMs ingame to give them "a stern talking to".
Many ragequitters quits on the final (tourney final)
And that's really annoying
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If they quit and come back, get on IRC and ask a GM to tell him not to quit during a game as Ray said, or they may even stay in the server for some tourneys.
If a player doesn't come back then there can nothing be done since everyone could get some shit to do in real life and stuff like that.
It's sad, yea.
I had an experience yesterday where a guy was actually telling kids to /sp before they lost. And then people started doing it. By the end the whole room was going /sp before a loss. I think in that sort of situation it would be helpful for a GM or Uniteam member to come into the room and straighten things out. But unless the rage quitting becomes serial, it's not super necessary.
How would know if its a rage quit if he doesnt comeback maybe he had to go somewhere or his electricity went out etc.

but /sp before a loss is something different and they should be punished
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Ok, the point I was trying to make was that rage quitting isn't something commonly punished for because of the obscurity of the circumstances. See, trolling with rage qutting is something a gm can come ingame for and deal with, other than that, it is on a case to case basis. I'm gonna close this thread, that's all.
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