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why do they dont they censor this but not that?
how come in tv shows like the boondocks they can say whatever and not get censored but in reality shows like southland they bleep out everything. Im not offended by it but it was on my mind last night when i was watching it
Depends what time it is on? Because after 9pm they are normally allowed to show things with swearing etc...
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Depends on the programmer too.

ABC may censor shit out, but HBO won't.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
ok the boondocks comes on at 11:30 if i remember on adult swim and auqa unit control squad 1 comes on at 12:30 on adult swim. they censor everything they say in aups1 but not in the boondocks but in family guys they can flash and see we their ass (50 style points for ryhming) but if someone is naked in the boondocks they cover their "area"
Watch History of the F Word.

also that South Park episode where they say shit like 150 times pretty much took down the wall on TV for saying shit, but of course not all programmes, stations go uncensored for the use of shit.

When a show like South Park has as many viewers they have, you can pretty much say what you want, if the channel station tries to defy that, you are going to lose so many viewers it would be stupid.

Also I didn't say it DOES. I said it DID past tense. They broke several TV barriers. Also Excessive swearing in a Cartoon

The idea for that episode was they were going to make them say shit just a few times, but they had an idea, they decided make them swear to the point that you couldn't comfortably listen to the show with it cutting out every 8 seconds or beeping every 8 seconds.

South Park's last episode... May the series Rest In Piece, those cynical ass holes.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jul 13, 2011 at 07:10 AM.
:( i can't watch south park because my brother started watching it downstairs in front of my parents.

But i remember one episode when cartman was acting like a retarded mental guy who could say whatever he wanted and he said AW SHIT and FAT ASS but thats the only episode i saw where they cussed to much