Original Post
When i go to toribash and put on shaders ,if i click on multiplayer tb aoutomaticaly closes,with or withought shaders this happens
Please rephrase.

Did you mean, "When I go to toribash and put on shaders, if I click on the game, it automatically closes, with or without shaders," because it doesn't make much sense. :/
Last edited by MajorKitty; Jul 17, 2011 at 03:43 AM.
No idea how it does that, please give us a bit more information, like, what are your game settings, does this happen all the time, etc. that can be useful?

All I want is more information, nothing else, nothing more.
yes it does happen every time... i have to test fighting school cuz i didnt finish it yet

and i have this new cp i downloaded tb and it wont go multiplayer
do u understand?