Original Post
Styles replay thread
Ok so i made a spar in a Scenario mod, its not my mod. tell me what to improve.
the difrrenece betwen versions are the ending poses.
Attached Files
Road fight v2.rpl (379.0 KB, 13 views)
F ight A gainst G renade S pam See what i did there?
Nice but firstly, the replay is glitch and secondly there were a lot of unrealistic movements, the spar mod should be saved as SSAfterP.tbm, but you have it as SSAfterP.tbm.htm so I had to edit it in notepad just to watch it
Heres my new freerun + decap replay
Attached Files
Fuck yea.rpl (293.5 KB, 8 views)
F ight A gainst G renade S pam See what i did there?