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how do i post replays?
how do i post replay? i want to know how to post replays on the forums, like in a thread how do i attach a file to my post
Get me mah juice Bitch.
Press the "Go Advanced" button underneath your post.
Scroll down and press the "Manage Attachments" button underneath "Additional Options".
From here, browse for the replay(s) (usually located at: My Computer<Local Disk<Games<Toribash<Replay), and press "Upload".
First click post reply on the bottom of the thread and you should be brought to a more advanced reply then scroll down to manage attachments and click it then click in the browse line and find which replay you want(it should be in your C/games/toribash/replays folder)click the replay and press upload and when it shows up close the little window and it should be there. to check it is like preview post