Original Post

This Video will talk about the project and i will resume this a bit below the video.

Wolfire Games talks about Overgrowth at Fantastic Fest

Wolfire brief story

Wolfire started essencialy by "David Rosen", he has made games since the 2nd grade and in 2003 Wolfire was started by David Rosen to organize his open source video game contest entries. After graduating college in 2008, he was joined by his twin brother and three friends and Wolfire Games officially dove into the independent game industry!

After they had finished their first commercial game, Lugaru, a nice and cool game, they started a new game, a sequel to Lugaru, initialy "Lugaru 2" but it was changed to "Overgrowth".


Overgrowth is also an open source, you can pre-order now and get the alpha version updating weekly, and weekly videos about the changes made by David.(I will be posting all videos here in spoilers) So... "What is Overgrowth?" check the video.

What is Overgrowth?

So, NINJA RABBIT COMBAT with SWEET EDITOR SUITE you can almost make your own game with it.


Alpha trailers

(Previous changes and changes without videos can be found in Wolfire Blog Link in the bottom of the page)

Alpha changes videos 103 - 110

Alpha Changes Videos 111 - 120

Alpha Changes Videos 121 - 130

Alpha Changes Videos 131 - 140

Alpha Changes Videos 141 - 150


Download images:
Alpha changes:
Wolfire Blog:


Cracking games is illegal, cracking alpha is illegal too, ikr everybody does this anyway, but now i am asking you to not do it, cause Wolfire needs money as you can with "Humble Indie Bundle" we have some about this here in the forum, link: Buy and preorder to help. And please can any of the artists make images for promotion? Use the links above to get the images, Aubrey said you can edit, but he said: "the main rule about the OG art is 'don't be a dick'".

Comment !
Last edited by ExtremeNil; Jul 30, 2011 at 06:40 PM.
Pre-ordered a year ago, waiting for the game to put in some sort of multiplayer support (which is confirmed, whether or be co-op or actual deathmatch kind of things.)
already pre-ordered

awsome game i love to watch the alpha videos they release and the art overview ones


you guys should buy the game ;) even though it isnt finished, the game is getting epic.
Last edited by extremerun; Jul 30, 2011 at 09:57 PM.
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
I don't know if there's gonna be multiplayer anytime soon, but from Lume's post I think they are... IF the game will have multiplayer, I'm probably gonna preorder this, but probably not if they don't.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
The game WILL have multiplayer, I've been a long time follower and the devs confirmed that if there is not anything team based/PvP kind of, you will have the ability to play some sort of co-op with a friend/others.

It would be SOOO awesome if there was actually some sort of deathmatch gameplay in this though, I imagine people would mod the shit out of it and put in specific battles/maps like swordfighting/pole fighting etc.
yep it will have multiplayer

they already made 1 online test and posted it on their blog the informations.
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
I already pre-ordered, even though I knew my computer wouldn't run it, just because I know it's going to be an epic game and I played Lugaru to death (in a good way)
Already pre-ordered aswell, this looks pretty amazing.
Last edited by Dagger; Sep 21, 2012 at 09:34 AM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Oh good lord, another Über-bump™ by another new user.

Anyway, since I have heard absolutely nothing about this game until now, is it worth pre-ordering? I'm very interested by those editors they're providing, and the concept of editing the game to my personal preferences

I checked their blog, and development seems to still be going strong, thankfully.