Original Post
Name change!
I understand that if i want to change my name i send 100k to an admin and ask them to change my name to what I want it to change to.

My question is who do I send the TC to... which admin or gm specifically, and which admins are online at the moment so i can send them the money.

Just spoke to Avwave and he says the name i wanted is taken...The person who is using the name has 0 posts and 0 qi...
So its never been used but he still wont let me use the name :/ and solution to this?
Last edited by shadow241; Aug 22, 2011 at 01:57 PM.
Anyone with a red name.Try Delaid, Avwave or Fish.
Fish is online right now
Last edited by AussieCunt; Aug 22, 2011 at 01:05 PM.
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
Even if name change is worth 100k, a 0 qi and 0 posts account is still the property of that person. Ofcourse an admin will never take away or remove someone else's property.

You will have to think up another name.
Actually you can get your name changed to a previously taken name, it just has to be inactive for 2-3 years I believe.
what am i doing here
Apparantly if I want that name I need to wait until 2013... kinda sucks though.
I would pick a new name but all my other accounts on other games or websites which were made recently were under the name I want...