Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Tex]My first proper head.

It is my first proper head. I used photoshop CS4 I think.
CnC would be appreciated.
Also, if I were to sell it, can you help me by finding a price?
I think i needs fix up the hair so it's not completely symmetrical.

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Cons: Its depressing. You positive you used photoshop? No gradients. No shading. Pixelated. Also maps terribly, as you can see

Pros: Good color choice?

How to improve: Use gradient, dodge, burn, and/or brush on <50 opacity. Too plain -- add details. Try to work on mapping, I'd use a height of 128 and width of 256 for the drawing so it maps better.
Last edited by MastrRoshi; Aug 23, 2011 at 12:55 PM.
I'm tor1g0d
Check closely. It is shaded. Well, at least the hair is
I am also kinda new to PS. And I am very bad at hair :3

I'm the chicken.
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Next time dont use te PENCIL on ps,use the pen tool ;) and use a 512x512,not a 128x128...Btw try to add some detail,shadows,and light.
For your first work ill give you 7/10.

ps: 150-200 tc.
Ok man, can you give me some tips on the pen tool? thanks man for Positive.

I'm the chicken.
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