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[Dot] Dot's Recruitment Center
So here is where you can post your Application Form



Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity:

Past Clans:


Best Mod:


Reason of joining:

Why we must accept you:

General info about yourself:

Example Application Form

Name: Toriboxer(Steve)

Gmt: -9

Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity: Forum When im not doing home work, IRC when I can, ingame most the time.

Past Clans: Gurdians, Draft, Wireless, iCoF, Fallen

Belt: 9th Dan Black Belt.

Best Mod: Alkido.

Talents:I make textures.

Reason of joining: Dot's is a great clan and i am a fan of dot's....:::::::.....

Why we must accept you:Because i love dot's

General info about yourself: Im 19 years old , I live in australia and have all my life, I have a brother called Bob and two sisters called Amy and Amber. I play toribash 5 days a week.

So there you go, Dot's is know recruiting.
Dr Zoidberg
Name: Psychosam!

Gmt: I don't know what that is!

Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity: Just started so enthusiastic!

Past Clans: None!

Belt: Had a brown belt/blackbelt but lost the account!

Best Mod: Aikido for sure!

Talents: Aikido and going with the flow, art but still learning texture

Reason of joining: You invited me and I want to learn!

Why we must accept you: Because if you don't I will haunt you for at least 3 hours.

General info about yourself: I LOVE drawing and playing tori in spare time! Lots more but you gotta ask me :P Thanks for your time!
Name: hatshing

Gmt: Idk what that means. :3

Forum/Irc/Ingame Activity: Im not on forums often, But i play the game almost daily, And often.

Past Clans: I never joined one.

Belt: Black, Recently got it.

Best Mod: Wushu, Or Wushu_Pro.

Talents: Chasing. I dot like runners.

Reason of joining: Benavente Invited me.

Why we must accept you: ^Same

General info about yourself: I mostly play wushu. I almost never do anything other than tournys. Unless its private. And.. Uhm.. Im addicted to music. ._.