Original Post
[Request]Need MovieMaker!
I garauntee this isn't the exact place to put it ._. .As you can tell,I can be pretty slow .-. . But anyway....

I'm in need of someone who can make a Clan Video for me.I'm sure no one will do it for free so i'll see how much I can pay to get it done (Doubt I can pay anything to get it done and this thread'll be useless.But there has to one kind soul on this,Right?).
I have the replay's to get the job done.If ANYONE accept's this request,Ill send you the replays via a PM or Skype (If you have one).

I prefer Skype,I honestly think it works better (For some reason,The replays I download from the forums look unfinished,even the the comments show that they are.)
the goblin
try the people from moviemaker clan.
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
Got any questions ? Throw me a PM or just mention @toriabiz on Twitter
Originally Posted by TamaKuu View Post
I garauntee this isn't the exact place to put it ._. .As you can tell,I can be pretty slow .-. . But anyway....

I'm in need of someone who can make a Clan Video for me.I'm sure no one will do it for free so i'll see how much I can pay to get it done (Doubt I can pay anything to get it done and this thread'll be useless.But there has to one kind soul on this,Right?).
I have the replay's to get the job done.If ANYONE accept's this request,Ill send you the replays via a PM or Skype (If you have one).

I prefer Skype,I honestly think it works better (For some reason,The replays I download from the forums look unfinished,even the the comments show that they are.)

When our friend evilock is done our vid, Ill see if he can help
<Bubbyzane> As a 16 year old, Canadian, cKy fan, and a gamer, I can honestly say I know the exact definition of cool.
I think if you post this in the desing events you will get more replies from video makers
Do you really think you're in control