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iCo0n's replay thread
Hello guys.
I'm posting here my replays, but I don't want coments like :"omfg dude awsome replay 10/10", because that will not help me to improve, it dosen't need to have 10 lines long but just saying what I did good and what I need to improve.
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0 Waves.rpl (168.0 KB, 112 views)
Last edited by iCoon; Jan 5, 2012 at 07:44 AM.
Neutral. I rate it that because you're very stiff and link8 style.
Jumping up and kicking on ukes body ans you're coming down etc etc.

/note if people say omfg dude awesome replay 10/10, that means it doesn't need improvement.
previously known as Lopsin
Still,i prefer that they don't say so.
Because most of the time are just noobs trying to raise their post count.
And what do you mean by link8 style?
Its kinda self-explanitory........Your style is like link8's which is a bad thing
previously known as Lopsin
Opener looks random and has no clear purpose as far as I can see. It should be obvious what your opener is trying to achieve and try to incorporate some style and flow into this too.

When going for the first hit you start to go in one direction but then twitch back the other way which looks kinda ugly. The hit did the job though so at least that''s good, I think if you aimed it a little better you could have gotten a core. You should have also targeted just one area, this means that you don't lose any of your speed until you actually hit this area, creating more powerful hits

I didn't like the second hit either because you should always try to hit directly on the foot block, not on another part of the leg (unless doing a knee hit) and you pushed uke away from you and then slammed him back down onto your leg, kinda like the tutorial move in fight school when you begin playing

The final hit didn't look great either because before you got the dm you hit the part off you own butt. This is not very elegant and is commonly referred to as unclean. I also don't believe that this hit was required, that could have been left as it was.

Another problem is that you performed all 3 hits with the same leg which is generally frowned on in replay making, unless you make it look really stylish. However this is not a major issue, it just doesn't look too great. alternating kicking legs is the best looking in general

You also held uke in the same place for too long after the opener. Sustaining a grab in one place for too long looks unpleasant, however this can be fixed by letting go of uke and performing a spin or other stylish maneuver.

The pose looks nice however it is very twitchy, try to land so you won't have to move joints after you are in position, it's nice to see that you got a stable pose though, it's important that your pose looks good as it is the last thing that a person sees in the replay usually. The pose you did was very generic, many other people like to pose like this. I would suggest attempting a more original pose, this shows off your own unique style.

Sorry if a lot of my comment is negative, I have a bad habit of pointing out minor flaws. It's nice to see that you got some multiple dm hits but I still think you have a long way to go before you become great.


Please don't take offense at anything I said.
Geez Ice >.> Major critique right there >.>

On topic - Well, the opener was kinda slow. The first kick could've been a boom. The second kick also could've been a boom. The third kick was sloppy. It's not really that bad. I kinda like it too 7/10
Guys new replay, hope this time i get more love :3
And yeah i know the opener is kinda weird
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0 Dreams edited.rpl (198.8 KB, 55 views)
Last edited by iCoon; May 24, 2012 at 05:04 PM.