Original Post
Hey, t/b/.
Originally Posted by SmurfLeonida View Post
omg what people won't make this days...
Fucking bullyis can bully in real no need to do it on internet


Originally Posted by qeshik View Post
yes it does suck


Originally Posted by mynameisdo View Post
taking advantage of being a police officer


Originally Posted by thedevill View Post
all cops are the same FUck the Police ...


Originally Posted by TheProtege View Post
power abuse all around,cuz they now they arent going to be reported...its a shame


Originally Posted by OrcishMan View Post
I love reading. I've been able to read since I was oh, about 4 or 5 years old. In my school almost no1 ever reads anything unless they have to and they still usually don't and xIMDx, you are so stupid.... Playing xBox or computer or reading or playing PS3 or masturbating to porn is all a waste of time. Going outside, having fun with your friends in the real world or interacting with real people is what you should do. Reading is meant really for gaining information like in News Papers, the internet news, or whatever. Pleasure reading is usually done when some1 can't get to sleep one night and then they find its 4:00 a.m and have finished what they read in 5 hours. Playing xbox just gets you fat as shit if that's all you do. Thank you and please come again.


Originally Posted by codyward View Post
nope i could care less about books btw im 14


Originally Posted by Dose View Post
Fun Fact: Zynga (Makes some facebook games) Makes more money than google.


Originally Posted by supaboyy View Post
Honestly i have to say cyber bullying hurts everyone it tries to make them cool but its not and other bystanders reply by XD or other stuff but it does hurt me too but i ignore it or just reply hint hint sometimes i make fun of them if they do it to me bada bing bada boom u know what im sayin xD


Originally Posted by Vx7 View Post
People who are depressed are sad...


Originally Posted by Scinexx View Post
xD I like how ppl r all “yaaay anon goooo” but the same people r all “omg nazi“ when cameron suggests to take shit down lol


I'm reading through 11-page long threads and finding only 4 or 5 people actually contributing or promoting debate in an intelligent (enough) manner. The other 25-odd people there are either sitting in the corner scratching their heads and replying "Well I don't know what you're saying, but I remember this video of a hamster and it was funny" or are part of the grammatically challenged group above. I haven't really looked closely at these forums for months. It took under 5 minutes to find all those quotes. That's sad.

Children today are learning how to use a computer before they learn how to write. Or use logical deduction in their thought. Or realize the differences between physical fact and subjective opinion. And it shows. It shows in ever increasingly glaring amounts. Here's another fun fact: none of the quotes above were infracted. Is stuff like this tolerable now?

I'm dumbfounded as to what else to say. Evidence is abound - Discussion's mods aren't doing their job, the average IQ is converging closer to Legendre's constant,* and it's hard to read most of the threads without stabbing oneself in the eye with a lead pencil to ease the pain. Who else is in favor of renaming the board "How Many Illiterates Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb?"

Last edited by CiaoTime; Aug 30, 2011 at 06:14 PM.
Though most of the comunity consists of oftopic idiots, it may be amusing to times.
Toribash TakeOVER
<Colossus> ROFL
<Colossus> my friend got hit by a car
<Colossus> gonna go visit him. brb

[22:45:46] <Thorn> I know she likes it in the ear
[22:45:53] <Thorn> because when I put it to her mouth she turns away
It is somewhat puzzling that a relatively complicated game with a steep learning curve seems to attract idiocy in such large quantities, and why a supposedly mature and adult board suffers from such a saturation of these members.

The best strategy to tackle this would presumably be to enforce the discussion rules with a far more stringent approach, although I fear that this would drive out many contributors who do not wish to 'waste their time' composing detailed and contributory posts, and leave the board to only a few dedicated members. Also, the logistics of enforcing the regulations would probably push the current moderating team to it's limits, as defining the boundary line between acceptable and punishable posts is not something which will be easy.

Even if the board is (once again) reformed, there is little doubt that it would once again sink to it's current level, as the constant influx of members with no contribution to make, but an urge for a higher postcount, will probably override the work of moderators.

In short, I doubt that any action will be taken.
Last edited by BirdFlu; Aug 30, 2011 at 07:12 PM.
Quit, probably.
I miss ruling discussion with an iron fist, striking fear in the hearts of idiots and spammers and all. The board is overridden by people who want to get their post counts up(they obviously don't give a fuck about the topic), and unless something is done about them(maybe a post count requirement, although thats just off the top of my head and would in itself cause issues).

Discussion has usually been discourse between 2-10 people, and I doubt it can be anything more due to the lack of non-apathetic people who can contribute and the idiots who shouldn't even try to contribute.
Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
The best strategy to tackle this would presumably be to enforce the discussion rules with a far stringent approach, although I fear that this would drive out many contributors who do not wish to 'waste their time' composing detailed and contributory posts, and leave the board to only a few dedicated members. Also, the logistics of enforcing the regulations would probably push the current moderating team to it's limits, as defining the boundary line between acceptable and punishable posts is not something which will be easy.

This is exactly what Debate was like before it was shuttered.

It wasn't the epitome of forum greatness by any standard, but it was leaps and bounds ahead of the current state of Discussion. Posts that skirted the boundary between "contributive" and "distractive" were simply given a warning and left be. It required some moderator grunt, sure. But the "current moderating team's" limit seems to be pretty low to begin with.

"lol fuk da poleese" is an unacceptable by Rapid Threads standards, let alone the standards of a board designed to promote discussion.
Send them over to off-topic. I'll sort them out. But yea, I believe that it's still an effect of the loss of wibbles. Trolls have no-where to go but they don't want to leave their comfy forum. So off they go to the most serious board to cause shit for everyone.