Original Post
[Needs TSA] error with the bet
Here is my problem.
All of this happened on the bets. I made a bet on the smashin455. He had to defeat and won. But my bet is considered on the next fight, and of course i lost.
People in the screenshot all seen and I think they will confirm my words.
Can I get back my bet?
What do I do for this?


That's all.
I'm afraid that screenshot is not adequate evidence. From what I see, what could have happened it simply that you placed your bet on smashin455, and he lost, leaving his place for Powerrajike. Chukarita also beat Powerrajike, and that's when the screenshot could have been taken. This piece of evidence can be seen in more than one way, and won't suffice.
Can I do something to prove what happened, or is it already too late?
Last edited by seregagart; Sep 5, 2011 at 11:54 AM.
As long as the transaction history doesn't show who you placed your bet on, it's difficult to find proper evidence, especially after it happened. I honestly can't think of a way to prove this in a way that points in a single direction.
Im confused so i lost my 475tc? Because it said i bet on myself in ur screenshot o.o
I dont even see my self in this screenshot... when did this happen?
This happened when you played with Adamant. You tear off the arm and he fell. I make bet on you, but it counted for the next battle.
I speak english not good. I hope you understand me.
Hi, This is a reoccurring glitch, its actually happened to me quite a few times. I'll make sure someone looks into it.
