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[Solved]Adding Game Time
I've been watching youtube videos of people doing sick moves and they seem to have a butt load of time. Is there a way that I could possibly add more time or get unlimited to be able to do awesome moves?
The reactiontime is fixed in multiplayer servers, and they are adjustable by operators. You can perform moves faster by using the zxc keys as opposed to clicking on joints, if you wish to.
In Singleplayer or Multiplayer (if you're op) type:

/set mf 1000

1000 can be any number, usually you don't want to go much longer than 2000.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
okay first off. if your referring to when your playing in multiplayer and need more time to make your moves and its YOUR server or a server you have operator in (@ sign next to ur name) with that being done you can type /set reactiontime (amount) eg. /set reactiontime 100000 will give you an unlimited amount of time. if you need more match frames (things at top of screen 220,500,1000) you type /set mf (amount) eg /set mf 1000 (to have 1000 frames) if your talking about single player, you dont need reactiontime you have unlimited but instead you can do like i said earlier /set mf (amount) hope this helped.
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