Original Post
-[Pulse] Recruitment Thread-
So i hear you want to join Pulse?

Application Format

NOTE : After the leader say yes,leader must test you./jo Pulse or /jo Pulse Testing for doing the test!
Last edited by mig33; Sep 11, 2011 at 03:59 AM.
No ToriPrime,No Image Signature
Hello i am ldevil.

Ive been asked by theultimatum to try out so here is my app and sorry if it is not that good.

Belt: Brown


Reason to join clan: I think his would be good for me since my old clan was a beginner clan well at least thats how i see it as

GMT: -4

Bans: I have a warning and a one day ban and thats it.

I hope i get in.

I hope you can give me a time to be tested and i hope i get in.
Ok i was tested im in.
Last edited by lDevil; Sep 11, 2011 at 04:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
ICOF forever! FUCK YEA EGGY AND ME GONNA FUCK YO SHIT UP! We shall never backdown! You cant handle us when we fight! We are the Irish Gods! Fear us!
You beat me too it XD. You are accepted. You passed the test! Congradulations! glad to have you, hope you enjoy Pulse!
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Hmm. Remake the old, and add in the lobby names. Mig, close this thread please. Don't worry, you still get "ponts" for opening a recruiting thread.
Silly ToriBash. Fyre doesn't die.
Name : barraki22
Age :13
Belt(min. Blue Belt) :brown
Country :usa
Forum active 1/10 :8
In-game active 1/10 :9
Why you want to join? :i need a clan
What you can do for our clan? :good stuff and donations
Your best replay :i'll will post when i get home
I'm what Willis was talkin about
B Man439510 (xbox gamertag)