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[Gfx] Skrillex sig.
Sup. This is my first sig, though I have some experience with gimp so
I know howto use the program. Cnc would be great.

Last edited by Phixa; Sep 18, 2011 at 12:14 AM.
Dislike the background, it lacks depth and doesn't match the color mood on the rest of the picture.
Like the typography though! Great work, except for the "e", looks deformed and out of place.
A bit large for a signature, why are signatures so large nowadays?
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
Dislike the background, it lacks depth and doesn't match the color mood on the rest of the picture.
Like the typography though! Great work, except for the "e", looks deformed and out of place.
A bit large for a signature, why are signatures so large nowadays?

Yeah, i need to work on creating more depth. I will practice that and thanks, i don't have any fancy fonts so i edited that one heavily.

And heres some more typography i created. I made everything from scratch cept the galaxy wallpaper in the back.

I drew inspiration from Ephixas logo on his youtube page.
Last edited by Phixa; Sep 17, 2011 at 02:17 AM.
I like the colors and the text, very nice job.
Although, It would look a bit better if you took out any effect on skrillex himself so he sort of stands out from the background.
I like the typography, "e" is out of sorts as you can tell. I think that you needa take any effects off of Skrill , also the colors should look a little darker for what skrills wearing, Good job 7.5/10
The signature is a little too big, try sizes like 400x150, or 500x150.

For your first, it's not that bad. I've seen people post renders on brush spammed backgrounds.

What I dislike:

The background, lacks depth.

The render; Lacks any form of lighting.

Also; The flow isn't really there.

Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!
Originally Posted by Phixa View Post
Yeah, i need to work on creating more depth. I will practice that and thanks, i don't have any fancy fonts so i edited that one heavily.

And heres some more typography i created. I made everything from scratch cept the galaxy wallpaper in the back.

I drew inspiration from Ephixas logo on his youtube page.

This looks crazy awesome, great job.
Only thing I don't really like that much is the last letter, the slant makes it look a little more like an N then an A.

Great background choice by the way
oh yeah
So i took the Cnc i got from everybody, looked at some tuts, and some sigs in the Gfx hall of fame and tried remaking the skrillex sig.

Here's the out come.

Wow, the second one is way better. The background fits the atmosphere of skrill. also i love how you etched the words into the wall to make it look like some scratches AWESOME<3 9/10