Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Killer]Killer strike
it was a lion caught in the dark of night targeted for assassination by. Two natural born killers this lion was found within its den and was shot by killer strike and with that strike a bond was formed and thus killer strike was born.

Killer Strike Rules

- respect all clan members
- do not troll on other clans
-donate as much tc as possible to clan bank
-advertise the clan in game and gain publicity

[killer strike]

- Ingame name
-Ingame activity
-forum activity
-best mods
-able to provide notice if inactive over 2 days

[Killer strike] Bank

- ujstdied

[Killer strike] Leader

[Killer strike] Co leader

[Killer strike]Admins

[Killer strike] Mods

[Killer strike] Warriors

[Killer strike] Goals
- recruit 10 members
-recruit 20 members
-10k in clan bank
-50k+ in clan bank
-become semi official
-fully official
-create clan shop
-host a tourney

[Killer strike] Donations

Allies And Enemies

single Allie-KinezIvan [DJ]
All members of clan should respect each other and opposing clan members those who do not follow this rule will be kicked from clan
the rules are
respect all members
no spaming
no rage quits
and most importantly enjoy the clan
This isn't an official clan but it is our aim to become one if this is to happen we all should donate to clan bank
Last edited by ujstdied; Sep 19, 2011 at 12:57 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump