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10 dimensions
In case you haven't seen this, or don't know about this, I recommend you watch it.
It's incredibly fascinating.


1st dimension is length
2nd dimension is height
3rd dimension is depth
4th dimension is being able to see the start and end of your life
5th dimension is being able to see all the possible outcomes of your life
6th dimension is being able to travel across all the possible outcomes of your life
7th dimension is being able to see the start and end of your universe
8th dimension is being able to see all the possible outcomes of your universe
9th dimension is being able to travel across all the possible outcomes of your universe
10th dimension is being able to see the start and end of every universe ever
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
0th dimension is an imaginary point
1st dimension is an infinite amount of these single points in a single linear line
2nd dimension is when two 1-dimensional lines share a single point in common, and every point on line 1 and line 2 are connected to form an infinite amount of lines between each possible 2-point combination with each other till infinity to form plane with no definite shape and infinite area.
3rd dimension is gotten by rotating the 2-dimensional plane around its axis to form an infinite amount of 3 dimensional shapes by rotating (spheres) or combining 2-dimensional planes (shapes not possible to obtain by rotating an object around itsself by 360degrees) with any shape and size from 0 to infinity.
4th dimension is the history (time) of any <4-dimensional object changing its location in an imaginary space of x,y and z coordinates. If an object were to move linearly through this space a single imaginary point at a time, 4th dimension would be seen like a worm occupying the space between the point where to object started from and where it ended.
5th dimension is all the possible ways an object has and could have traveled and acted through space (e.g the ways in which you could have done things in your life if your surroundings had affected you in different ways).
6th dimension is the bridge between branches of the 5th dimension.
7th dimension is all possible combinations from a different big bang to ours, which would result in a different range of infinite outcomes for that universe
8th dimension is the bridge between branches of different universes single timelines
9th dimension is possible different combinations between the timelines of two universes
10th dimension is all possible universes with all their different <10 dimensional outcomes

That is my interpretation.
Last edited by JireBank; Sep 25, 2011 at 10:14 AM.
You know, I'm thankful I stumbled upon this. This is the type of thing I find incredibly intriguing. Thank you for sharing. This was amazing to watch.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]