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Why you got numbers in your name?
This is for the people who do though.Do they symbolize something?
Tell meh
the Origin of this kind of writing is Counter STrike , much names where blocked their etc , but u was able to take the name of someone other if u edit the letters to numbers for example

so someone wanted to be named Crusher but since this name is taken he need to change the letters to anything different to can wear the name, so he change it to Crush3r

but i think the Origin is the graffity scene , sprayer had nicknames and replaced numbers or symbols with letters , such as the graffitystyle is, u also can see this on gangs for example Bl00dz, Cr$bZ,M513

i can show u all synonymes for letter

A = 4 @ ^ /-\ α
E = 3 €
G = 6,9
I = 1 | ? !
L = 2 /_
O = 0 Ω Ф
R = я
S = 5 § $

it ever depends on the looking of the letter what number/symbol u can use , there are much more possibilities , i just wanted to explain u how it works bro ,i hope i could help u =)
The Sleepy Beast
it makes my name one of a kind

although i did a misstype

the T at the end shoula been a 7 but i dont wanna pay loads of tc's
i forgot something , this kind of names makes u special thats why , like ur the only one who have this name with a 0 instead of a O so its like a personal mark ;P
The Sleepy Beast
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
I wanted a name with numbers in it, so I put numbers in it.

^ lmao

Well Someone already took the name "MrJingles" so I added a 1 for shits and giggles and here I am ;p

I'd change it in a heart beat but I am poor D:
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
The name correctly spelled was taken.

To "creatively" change it up a bit, like purposefully misspelling something to make it unique and yours. Though for that I dun' really like it. It's like replacing Ks with Cs or the other way around, Fs with Ph. It's been done, and done, and overdone, and underdone, and sunny-side up. Silly people with their names as misspelled things. Just makes you look sirry. *looks at self*