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Paranormal activity
well, if you have seen this move, i hope your still ok, this movie had me shit scared, and you know when people say,"OMG I WATCHED THIS MOVIE AND I COLDENT SLEEP FOR A WEEK",and you dont belive them? well, start to believe them, unless your sure there completely bullshiting, back on topic, this i belive is the scariest movie ever made, and paranormal activity 2 is already made but i dont even wanna think about that, and i believe that they are making paranormal activity 3...fuck, thing with all these movies is that they are all from back to front, so, #1, is 60 days before #2 and #3 is 20 years before number 2, now it is very hard to explain the whole movie out, but...just dont watch it at 11pm at night, watch it in the day, and i "HIGHLY" recommend you guys to watch it. now post here if you have seen this movie and tell me your experiences with it, i am more than happy to hear
I found them both quite disturbing, hell... at one point I slipped off of my chair while watching (don't ask how I managed that)

I watched it in the dark with nothing else on, I always do that with scary movies. That was a terrible idea.

Yeah... but my friends didn't find it scary, I'm just a bit of a scaredy-cat.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
It was fun to watch, keeps you on the edge of your seat.

If there is going to be a third one it better be a lot better then the first 2.
Originally Posted by PuReDeVil View Post
number 3 is about when they are 8 year old kids, it will be veryyy interesting to watch

Right on, I will go watch this for sure.