Original Post
[ART] Kit and Tam at the Barr
I apologize for the crappiness of it all. Just wanted to post it for some CnC. Just please, no harshness. I already understand it sucks, I don't need anyone flaming it unnecessarily.

The Situation
Wannabe: Heeyy...Why are you so...Blaaack?? Cause I-I....I-I....Wait....What...? Urnghh....
Tamakuu: This is EXACTLY why I dislike taking you to the bar... <o<.
Wannabe: SShhhaddap... person....You....
Tamakuu: Yes, I'm black. And?
Wannabe: And nothing! Hahahahahahahaha *BARF*...haha.....unngh......
Tamakuu: Ugh...You're too drunk.
Wannabe: Well you're too FFFFFattt.....Yooou fattass mother Fu-*BLUUUURGHHHHH*....
Tamakuu: ...
Wannabe: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHa..Hahaha....haha...teehee....hee... yeahhh, lets go home....

I should stick to making other stuff like textures <o<.

Please don't flame or troll the thread. I beg of you.
the goblin
I was laughing out shit XD , love it , but stick to one image and two speech bubles don't make a vid of it , I want MOAR!!!
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)