Original Post
emote is the text that can appear above your head when you're in a multiplayer game
(just FYI)
to use it type / em "text that apears above your head"
Type /em <message here>

/em hey!

Would come out over your head as:

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/em <Message>

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Last edited by Vox; Oct 27, 2011 at 03:16 AM.
Just for fun, you can add color codes for different colors.

example: /em ^02Hello

^02 = Red. You can try other numbers like ^3,^4,^5 and so on.
Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
Just for fun, you can add color codes for different colors.

example: /em ^02Hello

^02 = Red. You can try other numbers like ^3,^4,^5 and so on.

what akmal said, but it needs to have 2 digits not only one
^02= ok
^2= not ok
God is dead
Basically the emote is what appears over your head in-game when you use /em <message>
The emote item changes the colour of that text without you having to use the ^02, ^03, etc numbers.