Original Post
Working on DnB Drums! Need CnC
What do you guys think about this

A little CnC is important into to create a new talent!

Any questions acceptable.

  • FL Studio
  • A mouse
  • A keyboard
  • A Personal Computer
  • Speakers!
Since your using fl studio, the best drums you can use are in packs > legacy > Club.
I like to use the kick nearest to the bottom of that pack, and the snare and clap. It helps to layer your snare with a clap because it gives ti that extra crunch and punch. Also make sure to turn down the clap so it doesn't sound like pure white noise.

Another tip for your snare is when you go to eq it, cut off the low end to about 169hz and raise the high end to add a nice snap to it.

And if you want, i have a preset for the fruity compressor that adds a nice snap to a snare, pm if you want it.

As far as the bass, a trick i like to use is adding a vocodex to it, it boost that sound heaps.
Aka jusmi.
try this:
group all of the drum channels into one insert,
use one EQUO to pan the higher frequencies in an interlaced fashion (i.e. one band is all the way panne to the right while the next is panned all the way to the left, cont.)

then use another EQUO to raise mid frequency and low bass (not mid bass) and 20k htz to increase the sound quality of the hi hats

make sure not to peak though
if you have VEC, slice up some breakbeats, get a good DnB beat going, and add on the individual drums from the same pack.
pennis and also dicke and balls