Original Post
Im sorry but I have to say it was over edited in some parts, you constanly change the colors and bringed them back to normal wich almost gave me an epileptic attack.
replays and camming were ... fine.
youve done better imo.
Become a phantom
Mac Muffins.
/offtopic:Latin monster xD
/ontopic:it was ok,there is a overuse in the fx,the replays were ok,but there was realy stiff(hold)hits with no disemberment and realy slow,7.5/10,not your best vid but it was OK.(srry for my bad english)
The vid is very good the music are not good and the replays is bad 7/10
But where do we go; When our eyes catch fire by satellite; How do we know; That this love won't hurt like cyanide
Guys, replays aren't the best because i never played singleplayer. All the replays was made in 2 days.
You know I'm playing only mp.
Ehhhh I give it a 7/10. I liked the effects and music. Not to make you feel bad, but you need to improve your replays.