Original Post
Banned from a server for the first time.
What went threw you head?

The first time I got banned from a server was with my first account back in 09.

I remember Sangestu banned me from one of his private servers.

I basicly got scared ran into support to ask what I did to get banned.

^^ noob move.

Anyway share your thoughts on what happened when you first got server banned.
Ahaha, I was like FUCK.

Went to support and asked why I got banned.

I felt so stupid when they said

"uhhh uhmmm, you were just banned from that server. Just go to a different one"
First time i ever got banned from a server.......

Probably when i stole house from slipanc right after i got GM.
Some guys kicked me for no reason, I joined back to figure out what was going on. They said private and banned me

Silly, I was about to leave anyway, no need for the ban.
I don't remember who exactly banned me,nor that I ever was so interested to actually note it down.Last time I seriously played online was in 2009.Yeah.

I did nothing,retarded people are retarded.
I play games and lift weights.
I was banned because I bet around 5k on a player (which nobody counted against) and I lost leaving me in DISTORTED ADRENALINE (you could just say rage) ending up in getting banned. Unfortunatley I didn't take it too well (hehe) so I went into rapid threads crying over the incident leaving me with many replies such as "you're such a cry baby" "Grow a pair!" "Shit happens...".
This just shows how much i've matured (I... wish)...
I got banned for beating a guy and winning a bet O-o. A tad bit weird you might say.
You thought you can kill me? Well I am already dead. So Fuck you and your inbred son in law.