Original Post
Attack of the madmen
Yes, lately I've been getting into more madmen. I must be getting senile with age, aiee!

Well, might as well enjoy the good part of it:
#1,2,3,5 - The madmen
#4, 5 - I say 'arcade' because I don't rip Uke's body up like paper (I wish I could :P) but it's more like those fighting games with the cool combos. :P
#6, 8 - (I hope 6 is not reposted) Some replays I think were cool. 'Specially 8.
#7 - Made to imitate "best head missile ever". It's kinda simple but it's funny how my head kills Uke :P
#8 - Might be a li'l general, but I thought I'd just post this. ts stands for tatsmyname, by the way. He started it and I finished the replay :P

Comments please!
Attached Files
a-jv body breaker.rpl (189.7 KB, 21 views)
a-jv contortionist power.rpl (100.5 KB, 14 views)
a-jv headless(mad)man.rpl (194.3 KB, 15 views)
a-jv madman_arcade sty.rpl (209.7 KB, 10 views)
a-jv twist decap.rpl (82.9 KB, 12 views)
a-jv uber head missile.rpl (22.0 KB, 15 views)
a-jv uber throw.rpl (99.4 KB, 12 views)
a-jv+ts relax kick_decap.rpl (112.2 KB, 10 views)
Be faster and relaxall
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
some better madmans
:/ ive seen better... but head missle, come on, relplay editing = funny, but u didnt even touch with ur head!
Last edited by PNUT; May 30, 2008 at 09:11 PM.
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
those arent my best but im too lazy to post them
if i get a request i will
Great modders will always keep TB players playing.
:/ ive seen better... but head missle, come on, relplay editing = funny, but u didnt even touch with ur head!

Sorry, it was glitchy. In the actual thing it hit his head and his knees weakened. I have no idea what happened..

-Is this a bump? Sorry..

Your replays.
i've seen better

From desertpunk or avwave? Sorries, but I notice
1. You almost always start with the same move
2. All you do is grab him and spam kicks/punches (no matter if it hits him or not)
3. From your replay names..I probably think you're around 10-11.
4. Most of your 'madmen' you only get around 2-3 dms.

No offense, but I think it's you who needs to work on your replays. (MAAAAADMAN!! was good though. handball was okay but the distance between you and Uke was too short.)
If you want, post your best so I can see them.
Last edited by joonveen; May 10, 2008 at 04:45 PM.
Oh jeez I'm retarded so I deleted my mental lapse.

Your replays were O.K. They were a bit slow as 2worlds said and somewhat stiff.[/U]
Last edited by JDawg; May 10, 2008 at 05:11 PM.
Since when did I become Asian?
If I might interject with a question: I like the madman style, but I can't get any dismemberments. I just started, so I'm not too good, but how do you guys do it? Do you mess with the settings at all or is this default?
It's default. You just need an understanding of what joint positions will cause what movements, how to make powerful strikes, how to grab+rip, etc.
Joon, don't try and criticize someone's replays on your own thread. It's really bitchy, and if you didn't want feedback, why post them ?

Pnut, why *wouldnt* you post your best.. it hardly takes more effort to post your best replays than to post any others. ..