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[Lit] "Light Comes Again"
Light Comes Again
Here I sit in the place I called home, as I watch the sunset for the last time on this earth. Such an ordinary thing, often taken for granted. I have watched the sun set a thousand times before, but now in my last hours, I observe the true beauty of it, the last thing to be seen in my life. The sun inches lower and lower, towards the red horizon. A glow is cast through the leaves of the forest. My forest, the barrier protecting me from the impurity of the world. I gaze up at the clouds, outlined pink from the sun's casted rays. A storm is coming to bid me farewell. I'll miss the feeling of each individual drop of rain, rolling off my skin to come to a rest on the ground below. I look up once again to the sky, a deep shade of red, beginning to fade to violet. The sun is now partially shrouded by the leaves of my forest, telling me my time is close. I think of my life, and I regret nothing. Everything happened as it was intended to. A tear streams down my cheek, though not a tear of sorrow. I glance to the sun one last time, then shut my eyes to the world. Goodbye. I will be back soon.


Written by yours truly as a spur-of-the-moment idea. Interpret it how you'd like.
Last edited by Hucota7; Nov 22, 2011 at 01:55 AM. Reason: Fixed typo spelled cheek wrong...

other than that though, it was decent

you didnt try hard the vocab like most ppl do when writing literature

wasn't quite sure what is was about... metaphor? sci-fi?
I'm tor1g0d
It means what you think it means.
Also, my mistake, I typed it up in notepad in the span of 20 minutes or so. Corrected
Changed your tag. Currently there isn't a [Lit] tag. I am talking to Ben about it though so if we decide to add it I'll change it back.

Truly not bad though. I would wish the first sentence was better. Those two I's are a bit harsh to read in the same sentence. I like that you actually knew the light spectrum in the right order. Like you described the story, it would have been nice to get a better description of the forest too. Great job though. a ton better than most people could do.
Last edited by TomPaine; Nov 22, 2011 at 01:32 AM.
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