Original Post
[TEX] realistic monkey(?)
It's my new head.
Plz give me advices, tell what I can change and rate it





Last edited by Wojtek120; Nov 26, 2011 at 11:38 AM.
I am taking requests, just PM me
looks like i saw it somewhere before.

WIP is WIP not much to comment.
Last edited by Scorpio; Nov 22, 2011 at 07:57 AM.
I can barely see the sketch, hopefully you will darken it up.

As of right now, I can't rate cause there is so much that needs to be done.

I will keep an eye out for this thread and comment on it later.

Good jobs so far.
Add some depth inside of the mouth, some fur, different skin color, a nose, bottom teeth are pretty uneven, add those eyebrows, and why is the tongue diagonal?

Right now in this current phase - 4/10 at most.
holla holla get dolla
Add some depth inside of the mouth I know i must work on it

some fur Its WIP i will do it in the future

different skin color Whats wrong is with it? U mnea this gray? It's blank space, its wip

a nose Ill try

bottom teeth are pretty uneven i see, ill fix it

why is the tongue diagonal? What u mean? I dont understand it...

thx for advices
I am taking requests, just PM me
Originally Posted by Wojtek120 View Post
different skin color Whats wrong is with it? U mnea this gray? It's blank space, its wip

No, he doesn't mean the grey part, he means change the skin skin colour, obviously. Monkeys aren't green.
Tint is sex.
And the tongue is turned, I'm pretty sure that most tongues are straight.
Hope to see more progress and finally the finished product.

Good luck!
holla holla get dolla
[TEX] realistic monkey(?)
Really Very nice picture art..... Its look like an original photo...

Keep it up..try to participate in the competition.....Definitely you can win the price...

All the best for your bright ART future....
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