Original Post
Need help debugging this replay...
I made a kick-ass replay, but it got all trippy.

Can one of you use notepad to fix it?

(I has a Mac)

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Originally Posted by Littodude View Post

Can one of you use notepad to fix it?

(I has a Mac)


If you need notepad, Get windows. I doubt a Mac doesn't have a text editing software though. But Macs do suck so who can say.
Macs dont suck,they just have more style >.>
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

Links to satisfy curiosity :
Simple. Macs are made for people who don't understand computers.

Most of these people are scared to learn because they think it takes their whole lifetime and blah blah blah.

a few can't grasp the logic.

some are retarded.

the rest already own a pc and wanted to see what the whole hoot is about.

And PCs are for:

People with at least 100 IQ

People who actually learned computers and didn't just play with the power button as a child.

People like me who treated learning computers like learning anything else. Nothing special

People who know the wide range of stuff possible with a PC.

Now, I'm not saying a Mac doesn't have strong points. But all I'm saying is that a PC can do whatever a Mac can do. For example: We can upgrade and play games.

Oh and all that software? Well there are better counterparts for the PC. Some are free. iMovie is worthless.

The point is, Why waste money on a mac when you can waste that money on whatever the Mac has. You'd spend less money. A Mac that is hardly worth calling a modern computer costs $700 here. My gaming rig (Who's only drawback is the GPU) Cost me aprox $800. Furthermore, Macs can't play most of the games.


Hope that clears things up. I'm not a person who says "LOL ZOMG MAC SUCKS PC ROCKS" without a proof. And I gave proof.

Also, You can't blame an OS for being crashy when you don't know what exactly you were doing. Macs crash a lot too. If you use them wrong that is. For example, The only times I got a blue screen of death was when GAMES, that's right. GAMES crashed for reasons unrelated to the OS.

Oh and yeah, Somebody debug that replay.
Originally Posted by Yanlin View Post
If you need notepad, Get windows. I doubt a Mac doesn't have a text editing software though. But Macs do suck so who can say.

they have textedit
litto: you can do it :P just open it with textedit from applications

also im answering your rant a little
you can play windows games through crossover
osx tends to work faster and i have never heard of it crashing
ive had very bad experiences with windows *shiver* but i know how to use them (i gots A in IT) i also have to fix friends/relatives computers sometimes... i preffereably hate vista for being windows 95 with a glossy interface (scarily alot like osx panther) and phail ideas

im sorry for making this topic about mac vs. pc but i just hate it when people are ignorant like that :P
i dont mind pc's just dont prefer them
Last edited by jimbob; May 14, 2008 at 06:09 PM.
Oh, Yanlin...

Did I SAY that my Mac crashed?
Did I SAY that I need help with debugging this?

See the difference? >.>

And jimbob, I need help on this, because I don't know how to do it myself. >.<

So, if you can't help me, just don't post.


I hate it when people drag me into a rant.

But Jimbob, Sounds like a typical fail at computing. I never took a course and I had no problems that I couldn't fix. Aside from hardware problems though.

And please, Somebody debug this for him.